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We need your input!

The Gold Canyon Pickleball Club is in the process of revising the court schedules with the understanding that sometime in the near future we will have four pickleball courts on the lower tennis court.

The Schedule Committee has prepared a short survey to help guide us as we consider possible changes to the current schedules. The survey results will then be analyzed and incorporated into the upcoming schedule for the 24/25 season. Members will then have 2 weeks to comment on the proposed changes, which will be presented to the Membership at this year's AGM in February.

All GCPB Club members are eligible and encouraged to answer the survey.

Please take a minute to answer these few questions. The survey will be open through midnight Sunday.

Thank you.

GCPBC Schedule Committee.

Chairman Dave Trimmer, GCPB Club Vice President

Joe Carter

Janice Miller

Diane Pellerin

Kerry Schaefer

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