First, please review the proposed By-Law changes, AGAIN. There are just a few minor wording changes regarding the change of the AGM date.
Second, THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful Social last night. Our Hosts (Delauries, Faasses, Hacheys and Hultmans) did a great job of setting up and providing us with an intimate yet comfortable setting. (I didn't even hear the band!) It was so good to see so many of our Pickleball friends sharing together. This was our largest group this year. We have some great cooks in our group!
I'm looking for volunteers for next year's Socials. If you know you will be in the Park and would like to help, please call, text or see me about a date. You will ALWAYS have help from the Board.
Jennie Clement
GCPB Secretary
GCPB Social Coordinator