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Canada vs. USA Tournament is around the corner!

WHEN: Saturday March 16th, 2024 from 9 am- 3 pm

Come play (or watch) to find out which country has bragging rights this year for the Gold Canyon Cup Trophy!

The final event of the season will be a double’s round robin tournament, where we will pair 2 different players from Canada against 2 different players from the USA in each round. Players will have a different partner from your country each game.

The country with the highest total score will win the Gold Cup. In case of a tie, there will be a sudden death playoff game between the highest scoring players from each country.

We will accept the first 28 players from each country divided into 2 divisions (Advanced/High Intermediate & Intermediate/Novice). Please do your best to sign into the appropriate level to ensure that everyone has fun.

There are 14 slots for each country in each level, and we will maintain a waitlist for all four categories.

Registration opens Tuesday March 5th at 4pm. A maximum of 2 players can be registered at one time.

Due to the popularity of this event, please only sign up if you are sure you will be able to attend as cancellations make it difficult for us to maintain equal numbers for each team and skill level. If you miss the registration, you can still register to be on the waitlist in the case of a cancelation.

Even if you are not able to play in this tournament, please come watch this event

and cheer on your country!

Linda Chadwell

Chair Tournament Committee


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