The Glow in the Dark Tournament is done for another year. Everyone had a great time, the weather was perfect, the appies were delicious and we finished 20 minutes ahead of schedule!!!
Awards were for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 1st place and the Gold Medal goes to Brian Hauck. Congratulations Brian!
2nd Place winners took home the Silver. 2nd place was a three-way tie with John Elands, Jan Carter and Chris Johnson sharing the podium. Way to go!!
And last but not least our 3rd place winner earned the Bronze Medal. Great work Brad Faasse!!
Events like this are not possible without the hard work of our dedicated group of volunteers. A shout out to the tournament committee of Mikie, Lowell, Tracey Hauk, Sue Yaskiw and Jan McCreary. A super-special thanks to electrical whiz Julie Pellerine and her group of sparky volunteers for assembling the octopus's maze of wiring and lights. And thanks to everyone else who helped where they could.
Linda Chadwell
Tournament Chair
Thanks, Linda and Daryl for all your hard work and for the work of your committee. Thanks to Doc and Lowell and their crew for cleaning the courts with a dozen beer! The wiring was most excellent and we all had quite a glow on by the end. Congrats to the winners and all those who got participation medals, mostly for drinking. Phil and Mary.