Court Use Rules
Using the Paddle Saddle for Scheduled and Open Play
The SaddlePaddle is designed to avoid confusion over who plays next, and with whom.
The Paddle Saddle on Court 1 is dedicated to OPEN PLAY. Court 1 is reserved for open play at all times. If you are participating in Scheduled Play you may use court 1 if empty, but note that if paddles fill up a color they have the next play on Court 1. If Court 1 is being used for Open Play, it cannot be used for Scheduled Play.
The TWO Paddle Saddles on court 5 are dedicated to each days Scheduled Play on courts 2 to 7. Should any of courts 2 to 7 not be filled by Scheduled Play they will be available for Open Play. If more Scheduled Play players arrive, the Open Play courts will be given up.
The TOP Paddle Saddle is dedicated to all Scheduled Play for each day’s schedule. The BOTTOM Paddle Saddle will be used for Open Play during the Scheduled Play time ONLY IF THERE ARE OPEN COURTS. For example: There are 20 Scheduled Players on the courts. That leaves 2 courts open so Non-Scheduled Players may use those two courts and they would use the Open Play Paddle Saddle. If more Scheduled Players arrive, the Open Play courts will be given up.
As players remove paddles of four, the indicator is moved from left to right, allowing a systematic system of play. There is no need to move paddles, only the "NEXT" indicator.
If you want to play with a certain group, wait until all players are available and put your paddles in the same group color. If there are paddles in the previous color waiting for a 4th player, either join that group or wait until they have gone to a court before you play.
Please remember that there are two courts down at the Tennis Courts that can be used. See Schedule on the site for open times.

NOTE: Court 1 is reserved for OPEN PLAY all day, every day. Please use the paddle saddle on these courts when you are not playing in the 'scheduled play' leagues.
Please use only the main paddle saddle during scheduled "Open Play" times .