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Club Newsletters


The Big Dills play at HOME today

Come out and support the GC Big Dills today as we play to maintain our 1st place in the standings. Games start at 1pm but come early as...

End of Season Dance

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)

Some friendly reminders - Please read if you plan to attend. The band starts at 6pm. Set up will start at 4pm, but members are asked not...

Big Dills HOME match Feb 27

Hey GC Pickler’s The Home team “Big Dills” of the Men’s 65+ 3.5 APPL (Arizona Pickleball Players League) series will be hosting the SSV...

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is set for Wednesday, March 5th in the Ballroom at Noon (12:00pm). Please plan to attend. ...

March Social

Our March Social is only TWO WEEKS AWAY!!! It is scheduled for Sunday, March 2nd in the Ballroom from 4:00PM to 8:00PM. Signup is now...

The Carters Return to Gold Canyon

Joe and Jan Carter are planning to return to Gold Canyon next week! I know we all have been praying for them and would love to have the...

It's a BIG DILL!

Our Big Dills play at 1pm today on the Main Courts. Our opponents are the Encore Kitchen Heat. We are 1-1-1 in our 3rd place play...

Attention Intermediate Round Robin Players

The limitations on the number of INTERMEDIATE round robin sign ups has been removed at this time, feel free to participate in as many as...

Intermediate Skills Clinic

A reminder that a new Intermediate Skills Clinic is open to book. It's a great opportunity to sharpen your skills.

It's Social Time!!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)

Don't forget to sign up for our Social this coming Sunday, February 2nd in the Ballroom from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Pulled Pork is the meat,...

Time to celebrate!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(2)

I’m not sure I have the words for this. Or the right way to deliver them. We have waited sooooo long for the news but I was told Tuesday...

Board Meeting Minutes

Here are the Minutes from the Board's January 3rd Meeting. Since that time, there has been further discussions and decisions about the...

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